Chili Con Carne Tacos and a Drunken Donkey

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Genuine chili tacos in soft tortillas! An easy recipe and a great idea for a weeknight meal that everyone will indulge.

Chili Con Carne Tacos and a Drunken Donkey

I am coming home at night. I am tired. I am starving. A great football game starts in about an hour. What should I do? Do I order take out? No silly, I don’t do that. It’s a matter of principle.

Food should be celebrated, from the preparation until the consumption. I know what you are thinking: “Come on man, you are tired and football starts soon. Give yourself a break and order some frozen Mexican dinner”.

No I won’t. I can be stubborn as a donkey. By the way, I love donkeys, I used to ride them when I was a child in my mother’s village. Happy days…

Talking about donkeys, there was a story a few years ago about some farmers in Crete. They were in a village eating and drinking in a local taverna and probably they had one too many. Then they saw a donkey and thought that it would be funny to give some Raki (very strong local spirit) to the poor animal.

Chili Con Carne Tacos and a Drunken Donkey


They mixed it with water and the donkey drunk it. It was a matter of minutes before he started behaving like British teenagers in Ibiza (or American teenagers during the Spring Break). He brayed continuously and he couldn’t stand on his feet. The farmers said that he looked quite happy, like the image on the right. I know, I have been VERY happy with a couple of shots of Raki. I didn’t bray though.

The poor animal! He fell asleep and they found him on his feet in the morning ready to do what he does best: being stubborn but efficient.

OK, enough with drunken donkeys and back to our problem. So, you said Mexican. Interesting. I have expressed my appreciation and fondness about Mexican food, especially tacos. Soft tortillas, crunchy ones…you name it, I love it.

I have beef in the freezer. Chili con carne it is then! 5-10 minutes to defrost it. Chili con carne it is then! In the meantime Cut the vegetables and get ready. Fry the meat with all the spices and vegetables and let it cook in the tomato sauce. Fill the soft tortillas with the chili and top it with cheese.

Hold it, hold it! That was too fast. You are right, probably you need more details about how to make a mean chili con carne. You can find the recipe here.

Chili Con Carne Tacos and a Drunken Donkey

It was delicious! By they way, we lost in the football game. Well, life goes on. At least I had some killer tacos!

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One thought on “Chili Con Carne Tacos and a Drunken Donkey

  1. My, this looks so delicious and is a great idea! Nice post!

    The Old Fat Guy

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