A simple recipe for homemade hummus with roasted red pepper. A version of your beloved hummus with a twist!
Hummus is a lovely spread made of chickpeas and has its roots somewhere in the Middle-East and North Africa. In recent years it has gained huge popularity in the western world. I guess this is due to its awesome taste and nutrition value.
In fact, I know people that have survived for weeks eating just hummus with crackers! Bachelor years…
Vegans love it, vegetarians love it, even meat eaters love it as a starter of simple appetizer. Nowadays you can by it in almost every supermarket, which is…okay. Making your own version of hummus is very easy and the taste is much superior.
Plus, you don’t have to consume all these preservatives they add in!
People tend to use chickpeas from a tin can when making hummus. Yes, you can do it, it will save you a couple of hours of of boiling but…it’s not the same. Just boil your chickpeas and get rid of the chemicals they add in tin cans.
There are many versions of hummus but my favorite is the one with roasted pepper. While you are boiling the chickpeas, put a red pepper in the oven for a few minutes and add it to the food processor. It adds color and a kick in the taste. Awesome!

- 250 gr (9 oz) chickpeas.
- 1 ½ spoon of Tahini.
- Juice from two small lemons.
- 1 red pepper.
- 2 garlic cloves.
- ⅓ cup of extra virgin olive oil.
- 1 teaspoon of paprika.
- Salt and ground pepper.
- ⅓ teaspoon ground cumin.
- Place the chickpeas in a bowl, add plenty of water and let them soak overnight.
- Boil the chickpeas in plenty of water for ~ 90 minutes, until they get soft.
- Place the red pepper on a tray and bake it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius (360 F) for ~ 20 minutes until the skin starts becoming black. Let it cool down, remove the skin and set the flesh aside.
- Add all of the ingredients in a food processor and create a smooth paste. This may take a few minutes. Try it from time to time to check if it needs any more seasoning, olive oil or lemon.
- Enjoy the hummus with lots of pita bread.